Personal Clients / Trusts and Estates
Rogin Nassau's trust and estate lawyers counsel individuals, families and the owners of private businesses concerning the protection and tax-efficient transmission of their accumulated wealth.
Rogin Nassau creates estate plans which range from simple wills to more complex plans involving revocable and irrevocable trusts. Our plans utilize the full panoply of available estate planning options, including optimal marital planning, when available, bypass trusts, irrevocable life insurance trusts, generation skipping trusts, split interest trusts (for example, GRITs, GRATs and GRUTs), charitable and non-charitable giving arrangements (including charitable lead and charitable remainder trusts), family partnerships, private charitable foundations, split purchases, fiduciary income tax planning, and post-mortem death tax minimization arrangements.
Our lawyers are mindful that our clients have both personal needs and tax-driven concerns and that both sets of concerns must be addressed in a well-structured estate plan. Our lawyers are also sensitive to the fact that "families" today come in many shapes and styles. We are experienced in counseling both traditional and non-traditional families and are sensitive to the needs of both. Increasingly, we are called upon to assist the disabled parents and/or children of our clients. When serving in that role, we do our best -- with tact and flexibility -- to provide whatever services the particular situation may demand.
Our lawyers and paraprofessionals are skilled in administering both trusts and estates. We have significant experience in administering assets both inside and, with the assistance of local counsel, outside of Connecticut and in foreign jurisdictions as well.
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